Thursday 12 July 2012

Lessons of Pride and Prejudice

There is more than enough to be said about these two words. Pride: high opinion of one's self, proud of accomplishments and status within society. Prejudice : adverse judgement and opinion of something or someone without any knowledge of facts.
In the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen,  we as the readers see both words and the life lessons that associate with them. Everybody at some point has passed judgement on others, and has had judgement passed on them selves. In the beginning we see Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy having there opinion set on each other. To intertwined with their pride of who they are to allow themselves to let their guards down for one another. But also Mr. Bingley's sister played a part in them not being together until the end. Because of her jealousy of Elizabeth she gets her brother Charles Bingley who is involved with Elizabeth's sister Jane, to move back to London. With the whole roller coaster of feelings and emotions involved they manage to stay content with the outcome so far. Eventually things fall into place and happiness will ensue. Eventually both sisters Jane and Elizabeth get married. Jane and Mr. Bingley,  Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy all got their happy endings, despite facing the few set backs that came about while they were trying to be together. Sometimes all it just takes a little patience and understanding.

 Even when it comes to relationships their will always be judgement passed because of jealousy, or simply because people do not agree with the relationship in general. If it makes a person happy there should be no reason for others to get involved. Everything happens for a reason and in life there will be obstacles you must get through in order to achieve and sense of pride. Just remember do not judge those around you because you do not their lives and have no idea exactly what kind of person they are. Misconceptions happen all the time simply because people allow for such things to occur.

Whether or not you want to it happens you pass judgement on someone's life and their relationships and others pass judgement on yours. The intention may not be there but it happens but just remember that everybody has a different story, and maybe you should take the time to know the person. Be the bigger person you will be and the pride you feel in your life with grow so much more.