Wednesday 13 June 2012

Conflicts with feelings

In the novel there is many conflicts between the characters that evolve. Some feelings of love, hate and confusion play a big part in the initiating all the commotion. Loving someone takes a lot to do especially if your uncertain of their feelings and if they are returned. Many obstacles are to blame as well as different opinions on the situation. Jane and her sister Elizabeth both have found suitable husbands to marry, but not for money or a title just because they have actual true feelings something the society did not look highly upon back then in the 1800s. But many factors play a part in the how everything plays out. Both Darcy and Mr. Bingley leave Netherfield and return to the city of London. Leaving the girls broken hearted and unsure of why they would just leave. This is where judgemental people come into the picture and cause complications and are the reason for both gentleman leaving. Despite all of this commotion the girls still hold on to hope that they will return.


  1. Hey girl! So far the book sounds enticing! However I would like to know a little more about the conflicts between the feelings of the characters. Who are some of these characters and what are their roles in the novel? I'm excited for more of your posts to see if I should read this one!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books by Jane Austin. My favorite part of the book is the conflict between Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy and how it plays out throughout the book. Great choice of book, would have liked to seen your thoughts about some of the characters. Who you liked and disliked,who's your favorite character(s) and why. Can't wait to read more of your posts. Amanda:)

  4. Hi Bookworm, I got called that lots as a kid(my nose always stuck in a book) so I love the title of your blog.I have never read Pride and Predjudice but like you have always wanred to. I like how you described what the girls are going through with the men they have fallen for, its all still so true for anyone in love it does'nt matter what year it is. This book is definately on my "to-do list."

  5. Hey, this book sounds interesting and so true to life in matters of the heart. It is not something I would normally read, however I am reading a book with the same title only with a slight twist-they are vampires! I am interested in comparing the two novels once I have read them together! Can"t wait to read your next post!!!
